Monday, September 26, 2011

Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2011 Pickups!

This list of pickups is so big, I decided to do a video as requested!

I babbled on for over a half hour - though I managed to cut it down to just under four minutes.  Put together quickly and unscripted, you'll notice my kittens yelling, microphone gain drops and more fun.  I promise, the next video will be of better quality.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I want my... rock, rock, rock & RollerGames...

FamiComplex reviews Konami's RollerGames for the NES. Will this game make you want your rock, rock, rock & RollerGames, or will it send you rolling away in horror?  As always, leave comments and questions below, and let me know if you have any review requests!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Goodwill Hunting - DuckTales (NES) and Tetris Attack (GB) - Portland Retro Gaming Expo Next Week!

DuckTales, woo-ooo!

DuckTales is the first in Capcom's line of awesome Disney games, and is thought by many to be the best.  I haven't played it as yet, so the jury's out on that one.  Tetris Attack is, of course, another Americanization of a Panel de Pon game.  Both are fine additions to the collection at $2.99 each. This may have been a bit much to spend on Tetris Attack, as it turns out, but the value of the DuckTales makes up for it.

Besides, my love for the Panel de Pon series of games has no price tag.  Once I've gotten my hands on Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, I'll have 'caught them all' - all of the US-released classic Panel de Pon games.  Then, on to the Japanese releases!  Fairies and flowers and magic pixie dust, here we come!

...ahem...  In other news, you may have noticed that I've slowed considerably on gaming purchases.  Next weekend is the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, and I'm ready for it.  I've been saving up money and practicing for the NWC tournament.  

What is the Portland Retro Gaming Expo?  After the jump, read their press release.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fami-complex Video Reviews - ActRaiser

ActRaiser: The First Fami-complex video review!

As promised, FamiComplexTV kicks off with our first video review, ActRaiser!  Is it awesome?  Awful?  Leave a comment and influence future episodes!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fami-Complex Video Reviews Coming Soon!

The footage is recorded, and my impressions are written.  Once the new microphone arrives, Fami-Complex will kick off the video review series with ActRaiser!

As this is a video game collection blog, review scores will be geared a little bit differently than your average video review.  Rather than rate a game just on it's merits, current market price will also be a factor.  These reviews are for that rare breed: the classic game collector who actually intends to play their games.

After all, a super-rare game that's awful is still just that - an awful game.

Emulation will not and should not be used, except in situations where it is unavoidable.  Sega's Game Gear, for example, has no reasonable means for recording from the original hardware.

There are two scales, and the final score will be determined using a weighted Harmonic Mean, rather than an average.  Take that, every math teacher that ever said I don't apply myself!  The reason for this complicated scale is that quality should really be a greater factor than price when considering a purchase, unless you're a completionist.

After a lot of thought and discussion, I've decided to simplify the review scale.  Instead, I'll review the games based on their merits and then dock points for high prices, rather than combine the two scales.

The final scale, then, remains the same as it was, and still represents the game's value to a gamer:

5 - Must buy!  It's fantastic and cheap!
4 - It's awesome! - Great game that won't put you into debt.
3 - It's a decent value.  If the price is reasonable, go for it.
2 - It stinks! If its dirt cheap, pick it up.
1 - For completionists only.  Don't bother at any price.

Feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts on the review scale, or if you've got a review request, I'll try my best to acquire it!